The elements are a cycle. It begins with Air. Air is the wind that blows in freshness, new beginnings, and fun. Water is the unity that brings it all together. Fire is an outward force that gets the job done. Earth brings it to the center and builds a stable foundation from which the cycle begins again.
We are all constantly going through this cycle of the elements. It is in your thinking and your style. Even the seasons of nature rotate in this way. But each element also corresponds to a twenty-year period of life.
Air Water Fire Earth
Air governs the first twenty years. That is why children are airy and free. Up until the age of twenty, most people dress in a carefree way. If you’ve ever noticed the little ones dressed up so cutely or the teenagers putting together a crazy array of styles, this is an airy way of being.
Water governs the next twenty years. From twenty to forty is when each individual integrates multiple facets of their life into a whole. In the Water stage, people are more thoughtful, and that is reflected in fashion. It doesn’t mean you are blended and bland. Depending on your element, you’ll have a preference. But this cycle is a time of making choices and unifying these choices together. It’s the time when new families come into being, and individuals truly discover their pod.
Fire is the age from forty to sixty. People have gained momentum at this stage of life and are in command. The emotions have softened during the water period, and warmth comes naturally. People like to get things done in the fire period of life, and they soar to new heights and understandings.
Finally, Earth is from sixty to eighty. At this age, people begin to find peace and stillness. If a structured lifestyle was eschewed in the past, the value of stability now comes to the fore. This is an era of dignity, and fashion reflects this, often in a quite theatrical way. — Then the cycle begins again.
Bringing It All Together
Of course, these periods are not fixed to the exact dates. One element blends into the next and can be extended or shortened at will. There are also outliers and those who choose to skip forward or back. But in general, you’ll find the way you move, think, and feel corresponds to this cycle, and you can use the elements to create your style.